
What do Londoners think about road pricing?

We have been collecting the views of Londoners about per-mile road pricing. What did they tell us?

We have been collecting the views of Londoners about per-mile road pricing. We knew 54% of Londoners support it. What did they tell us?

Who responded

There are people who think road pricing is a good idea in both inner and outer London. Of respondents who gave their location, we had an equal mix from inner and outer boroughs. Our respondents skewed older and we had more non-drivers respond than drivers.


We suggested many reasons why per-mile road pricing might be a good idea. Fairness came up again and again as the main benefit highlighted by respondents, with the idea of it being right to pay for how much you use included in several responses.

Discounts and exemptions

We had a number of submissions concerned about discounts and exemptions, in particular for disabled people who rely of private vehicles for mobility.

There was a clear and genuine concern that per-mile road pricing would restrict the mobility of disabled people. Any road pricing scheme must be designed by and for disabled people.

Other groups that it was felt required discounts were people on low incomes that drive, the elderly and people living in the urban/rural fringe.

Congestion and modal shift

Many respondents were concerned about levels of congestion and saw road pricing as a way to ease that.

Some respondents identified reduction in air pollution as a benefit. There was also some support because it was seen as a way to encourage modal shift.

Views against

We received many responses that were against the idea altogether, which was expected given the polling which triggered this work.

Of those that elaborated why, many simply did not believe per-mile pricing would completely replace current charging and it would be applied on top of the existing charging schemes.

Others beleived it formed part of an international conspiracy.

You can still submit your views

If you would like to add your submisison you can do that here and it will be added to the website.